Zasady dość jasno określają trudność jaką muszą pokonać postacie, by dorwać się do skarbów chronionych przez zamki, pułapki czy też magiczne zabezpieczenia. Słowa natomiast nie znalazłem o odwróceniu ról, czyli o tworzeniu takich zabezpieczeń przez postacie graczy.
Przychodzi tak czas, że wysokokręgowi adepci stają się bogaci, bardzo bogaci lub obrzydliwie bogaci. Mają dziesiątki drogocennych artefaktów, magicznych przedmiotów, wartościowych dzieł sztuki. ALbo też sami są uznanymi i hojnie opłacanymi mistrzami. Jakoś te dobra by trzeba zabezpieczyć przed młodszymi kolegami adeptami, którzy z zazdrością spoglądają na opływających w dostatki mentorów.
Co mówią podręczniki?
ED3 PG: Half-Magic: Thieves may use half-magic to build or bypass security measures intended to prevent theft, and to recognize different types of locking mechanisms. Thieves gain access to the Search, Detect Trap, and Disarm Trap skills via half-magic.
ED3 PG: Lock Picking talent: adept conjures a set of pale blue telekinetic lock picks which he uses to open mundane and magical locks by making a Lock Picking Test against a Difficulty Number determined by the gamemaster for mundane locks, or against the lock’s Spell Defense for magical locks.
ED3 PG: Craftsman skill: Use requires Craftsman Tools. Characters use Craftsman skills to make or repair items. The time required to make the item varies from a few hours for a simple item, to weeks or even months for large or intricate items.
The character makes a Craftsman Test against the Difficulty Number of making or repairing the item. Simple, everyday items have a Difficulty Number of 2; ordinary items have a Difficulty Number of
5; unusual or exotic items have a Difficulty Number of 8 or more.If the item is unusually complex, the Result Level required may also increase at the gamemaster’s discretion.
ED3 PG: Spells, Impossible Lock (illusion). This spell make a lock more difficult to open. Spellcasting test vs lock spell defense. Effect test determines spell sensing difficulty. Then lock-piking test = sensing test (illusion). If failed the lock refuses to open.
ED3 PG, SPells, Shatter lock. This spell forces locks open. Spellcasting test vs lock' spell defence. Against magical locks, if successful, he makes an Effect Test against the higher of the lock’s Spell Defense or Dispel Difficulty. If successful, the lock opens or the locking spell is dispelled. Against mechanical locks, the Effect Test determines how much damage is inflicted to the locking mechanism. Most ordinary locks have a Death Rating ranging from 8 to 12; a solid wood bar might have a Death Rating of 20 or more, depending on the size; metal bars start at a Death Rating of 18. Once the damage to a mundane lock’s Death Rating is equaled, the lock opens.
ED3 PG, Spells, Rust: This spell rapidly corrodes mundane metal items, generally those made of iron, steel, or other ferrous metals. Spellcasting vs Spell Defence. The effect of this spell on other metal objects is determined by the gamemaster (other than weapons or armours)
ED3 PG, Spells, Repair lock. The spell fixes broken mundane locks. Effect Test determines how much damage to the locking mechanism is repaired. Most ordinary locks have a Death Rating ranging from 8 to 12; a solid wood bar might have a Death Rating of 20 or more, depending on the size; metal bars start at a Death Rating of 18.
ED3 PG, Guild Inn description: Most rooms at these inns have security locks, resistant to lock picking. These magic locks fit over the door’s regular lock on both sides of the door. Picking a security lock requires a successful Lock Picking (15) Test. A successful Dispel Magic (12) Test also defeats these locks.